Sunday, July 31, 2011



We, the creators of this page, are five graduate students, receiving our master’s degrees in Educational Administration and Leadership.  This site was created for EPS 415 - Technology and Educational Reform - at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign for Prof. Nicholas C. Burbules.  The goal of this website is to introduce teachers, students and parents to Web 2.0. During our course, we learned about a concept called the "digital divide." This simply means that not everyone has the same access or understanding of the many ways new and rapidly changing technologies can impact how we educate ourselves. Nor, does everyone understand the challenges of these impacts.  Our goal is to "bridge the digital divide" by introducing parents, students and teachers to the great world of Web 2.0 tools in a very user-friendly way. These tools are free to use and can open up lines of communication between students, parents and teachers.

Meet Webby. He will help lead you through our site. We look forward to you exploring our page! Please email if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for our site!

Good Luck,
Clay Dunker, Fourth Grade Teacher
Ondine Gross, School Psychologist
Kim Johnson, Third Grade Teacher
Katherine Sokolowski, Fifth Grade Teacher
Tracey Ratner, Third Grade Teacher

We suggest staring with the video posted below to learn about the opportunities Web 2.0 can provide: