
In analyzing Web 2.0 as it relates to students, there are some concerns to be addressed. The first would be related to access. Web 2.0 covers a myriad of applications but students might not be able to access them at home. Options in place would be to use the computers at the public library or even the school’s computers after school or during lunch. Check with your teacher and see what they can work out.

Another area to look at is safety. Be smart when using these tools. On sites that need you to sign in, usually your teachers will ask that you just use your first name. Do not put what town you live in. If you have to give an email account and do not wish to share yours, see your teacher. If they have a gmail account they can create student accounts. For example, if their gmail addresss was, they can create and you can use that instead.  See this link for further explanation:

How to set up student accounts with gmail.

Web 2.0 has many possibilities for students and teachers. It will open our classrooms like never before. Use common sense anytime you are on the web and have fun exploring the apps. 


Hi Students - Voice Thread is a page where we will add documents: pictures, drawings, images - and then we can add many different voices to each page. This is hard to explain so please check out this link.



Students, this year you will be asked to complete a “Book Response” once a week. Sometimes those responses will be in the form of a letter to me, sometimes they will be a blog entry, and sometimes they will be in the form of a book trailer. Today I want to teach you about the site called Animoto that we will use to make our book trailers.

To make a trailer you will:
  • Open Animoto 
  • Sign in with our class email and password
  • Select “Create video”
  • Select “Original format”
  • Select the photos you want to upload from our photos file
  • Arrange photos and add text
  • Pick the music you want for your video
  • Preview – now is the time to change anything you’d like
  • And when it is the final product, post it to the page.

Some items to remember:
  • Make sure you have the title and author in the trailer. Your audience might be inspired to read your book so they need to know what it is.
  • You only have 30 seconds – what message do you need to get across? Some ideas might be:
o   Story elements: Setting, character, plot, and theme.
o   Mood of the book
o   Don’t give away the ending but don’t end with “To know more, read the book!” That sounds like you haven’t read it either.
o   You want your trailer to be visually appealing.
o   If you want pictures that are not in our folder, let me know and we will find some with a creative commons license.


Another program we will be using is Prezi. For Prezi we can create a slideshow like power point but the slide show “zooms”. It moves out to see the big picture of your presentation and zooms in to see the details. You create your path and the order you want your presentation to move in.
You can incorporate the following in a prezi:
  • Videos
  • Drawings
  • Text
  • Photos
  • Wordle

To create a Prezi: 
  • Log in and select “new prezi”.
  • Title your prezi and give a brief description for what it will be about.
  • Using the “tool bar/ flower” in the corner, add your information.
  • Select the path you want for presentation
  • Prezi will save for you automatically.
  • Hit “esc” anytime you need to get your toolbar back

For a visual, look at this sample Prezi: Reading Prezi

GLOGSTER! - create a virtual poster

Glogster is a site to create an online poster. You can add text, drawings, videos, sounds, images, and more. You will be asked to use this site for culminating projects in different classes, usually as a place to show what your group learned from the unit.

Again, you will log in. Then you will be directed to the premade poster. You click on any spot on the poster and edit it. You can add, delete, change colors, change text, change layout, and more. Glogster will autosave as you go so you don’t worry about losing your work. 


Edmodo is a site like Facebook but for school. You will all register as members of our “class” on Edmodo. I will post assignments on the site, you will complete them there and send them back to me. We will also have polls and discussions on this site. Please bookmark it so you can reach it easily.